Supervised Machine Learning Series: Linear Regression (1st Algorithm)

Hey everyone, hope you are doing great. So from this article, we shall be starting with the Supervised ml series in which I will cover every supervised ml algorithm you need to know. In this article, we shall be discussing our first algorithm i.e. Linear Regression.

Linear regression is one of the most popular statistical techniques for predicting a continuous outcome variable. It is a type of supervised learning algorithm used in machine learning, data science, and business analytics. In this blog, we will discuss what linear regression is, its types, how it works, and its various use cases.

What is Linear Regression?

Linear regression is a statistical approach for modelling the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It is called "linear" because the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables is assumed to be linear, i.e., a straight line. The goal of linear regression is to find the best-fit line that can explain the relationship between the variables.

Types of Linear Regression

There are two types of linear regression:

  1. Simple Linear Regression: It is a regression model with one independent variable and one dependent variable. It can be represented by the equation: Y = a + bX, where Y is the dependent variable, X is the independent variable, a is the intercept, and b is the slope of the line.

  2. Multiple Linear Regression: It is a regression model with two or more independent variables and one dependent variable. It can be represented by the equation: Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + ... + bnXn, where Y is the dependent variable, X1, X2, ..., Xn are the independent variables, a is the intercept, and b1, b2, ..., bn are the slopes of the line.

How does Linear Regression Work?

Linear regression works by finding the best-fit line that can explain the relationship between the variables. The best-fit line is the line that minimizes the sum of the squared distances between the actual values and the predicted values.

To find the best-fit line, linear regression uses the method of least squares. It involves finding the line that minimizes the sum of the squared distances between the actual values and the predicted values.

The steps involved in linear regression are:

  1. Data Collection: Collect the data for the dependent and independent variables.

  2. Data Preprocessing: Preprocess the data by cleaning, transforming, and scaling it.

  3. Model Building: Build the linear regression model by selecting the dependent and independent variables and fitting the model using the method of least squares.

  4. Model Evaluation: Evaluate the model by calculating the performance metrics such as R-squared, mean squared error, etc.

  5. Prediction: Use the model to predict the values of the dependent variable for new values of the independent variable.

Use Cases of Linear Regression

Linear regression is used in various fields such as business, finance, economics, social sciences, and engineering. Some of its use cases are:

  1. Sales Forecasting: Linear regression can be used to forecast sales based on historical sales data and other variables such as price, promotions, etc.

  2. Risk Assessment: Linear regression can be used to assess the risk of a loan based on variables such as credit score, income, debt-to-income ratio, etc.

  3. Demand Forecasting: Linear regression can be used to forecast the demand for a product based on variables such as price, promotions, seasonality, etc.

  4. Price Optimization: Linear regression can be used to optimize the price of a product based on variables such as cost, competition, demand, etc.

  5. Quality Control: Linear regression can be used to control the quality of a product based on variables such as temperature, pressure, humidity, etc.


In conclusion, linear regression is a powerful statistical technique used for modelling the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It is used in various fields for prediction, forecasting, optimization, and quality control. With the increasing availability of data and advancements in machine learning, linear regression is becoming more popular than ever.Hope you got value of the article. Subscribe to the newsletter for more such updates.

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