Connecting React Frontend with Django Backend: A Step-by-Step Guide

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up a React frontend that communicates with a Django backend in the most simplest and the minimum possible way. Let's get right in..

Frontend Setup

  1. Initialize the Frontend Project: Start by creating a new React project using Vite, a next-generation frontend tooling. Run the following commands in your terminal:

     npm create vite@latest frontend -- --template react
     cd frontend
     npm install && npm install axios react-router-dom
  2. API Configuration: Create a file named api.js inside the src directory to manage API requests to the Django backend. We will use axios package in react which will help us in connecting react with django:

     // src/api.js
     import axios from 'axios';
     const api = axios.create({
         baseURL: '',  // Django backend URL
     export default api;
  3. Create Home Component: Add a new file named Home.jsx inside the src directory with the following code:

     import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
     import api from "../api";
     import './App.css'
     const Home = () => {
         const [data, setData] = useState(null);
         useEffect(() => {
                 .then(res => setData(
                 .catch(err => console.log(err));
         }, []);
         return (
     export default Home;
  4. App Configuration: Update App.jsx to include routing and render the Home component:

     // src/App.jsx
     import { BrowserRouter, Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
     import Home from './Home';
     function App() {
         return (
                     <Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
     export default App;

Backend Setup

  1. Initialize the Backend Project:Open a new terminal move one dir back from the frontend dir. Create a new Django project and an app for handling user data:

     django-admin startproject backend
     cd backend
     python3 startapp users
  2. Define Views and URLs: In of the users app, define a simple view to return JSON response:

     # users/
     from django.http import JsonResponse
     def home(request):
         return JsonResponse({"message": "React-Django app connected successfully"})

    Update backend/ to include the view:

     # users/
     from django.urls import path
     from users.views import home
     urlpatterns = [
         path('users/', home, name='users'),
  3. CORS Configuration: Install django-cors-headers and configure it in to allow cross-origin requests:

     pip install django-cors-headers


  4. Database Migration: Apply migrations to create necessary database tables:

     python3 migrate

Run the Application

  1. Start Development Servers: Start both frontend and backend servers:

     npm run dev  # Start React development server
     python3 runserver  # Start Django development server
  2. Access Application: Open browser and navigate to http://localhost:5173 to view your React frontend. You can now interact with your application, and the React frontend will communicate with the Django backend seamlessly.

By following these steps, you've successfully connected your React frontend with a Django backend, paving the way for you to build much complex and scalable web applications.

Happy coding!